When in St Lucia in March, we met Krissa and Matt, two enthusiasts of a rather fascinating exercise practice combining Acrobatics and Yoga by name of (wait for it) Acro-yoga!!
Having befriended the couple (I don't think they minded too much!!) and having heard about it from some of the staff at Le Sport, I arranged to meet with the couple on the beach at sunset. Altho the light disappeared quickly, I think we caught some crackers and am pleased to have finally finished working on the images so I can now blog them!!
So here are a few of my favourites.

It really was amazing to watch the way Matt was able to rotate and manipulate Krissa's body with his feet and the balance and control Krissa had over her body was fascinating. Her trust and ability to be lead by her man (which for all women is no mean feat) was incredible and I could not stop snapping away.
Just like the number of poses they kept orchestrating, I had so many images to choose from but settled eventually for these few.